SeeChord will help the user to understand how the harmony of a piece of music really works. The applications are as limitless as your imagination!
For songwriters or composers it is an invaluable tool for analysing their own work, finding out where the strong and weak points are, and creating better, more intelligent music. If the user wants to imitate the songwriting or compositional style of one of the greats, they can simply examine a SeeChord chart of some of their works, and then find out what makes them unique. Imagine being able to construct a chord sequence in the style of Dylan or Abba, while still being original!
For the student, SeeChord can guide the user through complex harmonic sequences, imitation, modulation, and even experimentalism in a clear, visual and intuitive way. The student can actually see the pattern of the music, while listening to it, thus reinforcing difficult concepts such as cadences or establishment of a new key.
For the teacher, SeeChord provides a limitless resource for analysing harmony within the classroom. Displays of works being studied can be analysed by the whole class while the music is being played. Areas of harmony that have previously been very difficult to explain and teach are made easy and accessible. SeeChord can provide a platform for discussion that includes all abilities of student as it relies far more on visual pattern recognition than aural.
For the musician, SeeChord can reveal the often hidden structure of a piece of music, allowing the performer to make more informed choices of interpretation. The elaborate harmonic sequences of Chopin are laid bare while the signature chords of Lennon and McCartney can be seen and brought forward in the music. For jazz musicians, the often baffling and beautiful chord progressions of John Coltraine can be finally examined with understanding. This will lead to better improvisation, voicing and soloing.
SeeChord can help the user understand any aspect of harmony across any genre of music. Please feel free to use it in imaginative ways, and tell us about it!
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